Requesting Credit Hours

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Digital Portfolio in Eduphoria

Castleberry ISD uses Eduphoria/Strive to house a digital professional learning portfolio. Professional learning that you have registered for and completed through district-led training will automatically be added to your portfolio.

If you take a course through the Region XI Education Service Center (ESC11) or outside of the district, you are responsible for obtaining a certificate or transcript and uploading it to Eduphoria to request professional learning credit hours. To receive credit hours for the current school year, all certificates of completion or transcripts must be submitted to Eduphoria.

Credit will not be approved without a certificate of completion or a transcript attached. Cassandra Sweet enters teacher credits in Eduphoria. Please contact her if you have additional questions.


Upload and Request Credit--Quick Guide

  1. Select My Professional Learning from the navigation panel.

  2. Select the Portfolio tab.

  3. Select My Portfolio to view your professional learning portfolio.

  4. Select Add New Portfolio Entry to begin the wizard.

  5. Select the option for the type of portfolio entry you want, then select Next.

  6. Enter the workshop details, including Title, Description, Start Date, and End Date with Times, then select Next.

  7. Enter the number of Credit Hours under the Credit Types. You can enter hours in more than one credit type, then select Next.

  8. Open the containers for the frameworks to select specific Dimensions. Use the checkboxes to select as many dimensions as needed, then select Next.

  9. Upload files (certificate or transcript) to verify your attendance by selecting Choose File. Select the file name for the document you want to upload. You can upload up to three files. Once you have uploaded your documents, select Next.

  10. Select Finish to close the wizard.

  11. After you finish the wizard, you can return to the request under My Portfolio to add notes, attach additional documents, and select credit type before submitting the credit for review. Submit for Approval.